
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Song Review: Fiona Sit's "倒刺/Hangnail"

Fiona has released her third song of the year, "倒刺/Hangnail".  She is on a roll this year!  Consistently releasing some of the best material this year and her best yet, she once again has listeners (or at least me) wanting more.

"Hangnail", or "Inverted Thorn", opens with a strong piano intro that manages to hook in the listener within the first five seconds.  The piano continues to play in the background and flows into a serene, mysterious, and trance like composition that makes the song mesmerizing and intriguing.  Fiona's vocals, which have vastly improved over the years, sound fantastic and help create the trance like feel.  She hits the high notes with ease.  She sings the lyrics with emotion, seeming to express the pain she feels.  The main vocals are also layered over with back up vocals done by herself and other singers, creating an even more intricate sound.

The song's refreshingly mesmerizing and mysterious sound, coupled with the showing off of Fiona's vocals, make this one of the most unique and intriguing songs of the year.  I can't wait for her to release her self directed music video!

For those unaware, Fiona will be having her first concert at the prestigious venue, the HK Coliseum, on July 7th.  Congratulations Fiona!  You've come so far and deserve every bit of your success.

Listen to the song below:

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