
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Banner and Layout: GEM

It's that time of the year when Iris and I can finally breathe and do some work on this blog again. As usual the decision of choosing a new spotlight artist to feature on our banner was a brain wracking one. After having Louis up for so long, I really wanted a female artist for this next banner but unfortunately TVB has been lacking in that department lately. Ultimately, we remembered that GEM recently had her comeback this year with a full self-written album, so we decided to celebrate that. The banner itself is a dedication to her Heartbeat album while the theme is a nod to her song "Blindspot."

This year has been hectic, to say the least, for both of us but I think it's safe to say it's been a good year. AEE is another year older and even though we're just barely active, I hope that this blog can continue on for a couple more years!

1 comment:

  1. Refreshing new layout! Especially the banner and menu bar font.
